The Walls of Spyte

By (author): "Jamie Thomson, Oliver Johnson, Dave Morris"
The Walls of Spyte
AsinThe Walls of Spyte
Original titleThe Walls of Spyte
SeriesBlood Sword #5
An Arctic wind freezes your bones, but ahead of you lies a smoking chasm as it goes right down to the glimmering fires of hell. You stand at the top of the abyss which surrounds Spyte, the ruined fortress of the Lords of Krarth.In the darkening sky above, five ominous stars have come into conjunction for the first time in 200 years. Out of the vault of the sky they cast their baleful influence across the frozen landscape. They are the dis-embodied spirits of the last of the Magi seeing the return to the mortal world at midnight and ushering in a new era of terror.You wield the sole force in the world capable of destroying the Magi. The Sword of Life is mankind’s only hope but it is no guarantee of victory. The Magi have had 2 centuries of exile to plan their reincarnation. To stop them you will need greater courage and strength than ever before!