The Defined King James Bible

By (author): "Anonymous"
Publish Date: 1611
The Defined King James Bible
AsinThe Defined King James Bible
CharactersBarabbas, Lucifer, God, Moses (Bible), Judas Iscariot...more, Pontius
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water! Keep the excellent rhythm, cadence, and reliability of the Faithful Old King James Bible. Simply add to it footnoted definitions of uncommon words and what do you get? You get the Defined King James Bible.The Defined King James Bible is the culmination of hundreds of hours of painstaking work. This Bible uses footnotes to define virtually all of the archaic, obsolete, difficult, or uncommon words in the King James Bible.Many, for example, would think that "rereward" was a reward that you receive again. The Defined King James Bible's footnote classifies rereward as Archaic and then gives this definition: "rear-guard--military detachment that protects the rear or main body or force."Although "concupiscence" is neither archaic nor obsolete, owners of the Defined King James Bible can simply glance at the bottom of the page to sharpen their understanding of this word's meaning whenever it appears in the text. They will find this definition: "strong desire or appetite, esp. sexual desire--lust; lasciviousness, eroticism, lechery.Older English idioms like "held his peace" or "fetched a compass" no long need to cause any confusion. These English expressions clearly meant "remained silent" and "circled around" respectively when they were placed into the text of the King James Bible. The Defined King James Bible makes sure that we do not project our modern understanding onto these older expressions.When Ephesians 5:15 tells us that we should "walk circumspectly," the helpful footnote explains how we are to conduct ourselves. The DKJB footnote suggests that we are to live "cautiously, warily, carefully; considerately; discreetly, prudently; carefully considering all circumstances before acting, judging, or deciding." How rich and instructive the word "circumspectly" is!Let me emphasize several important differences. Most Bibles that define some of the more difficult words in the King James Bible ignore many terms that may be confusing. When they do define a term, that definiton is often quite hard to find and even harder to read. (How many of us can read 7 point type?) Virtually all other Bibles link a word to its definition only one time per page (at best). Often a reader has to remember the meaning of that word (if he can find the definition at all) for several pages. If he is just checking a cross reference from another passage, he may not even know that some of the terms in the verse that he is reading were defined somewhere on the page or on a previous page.With the Defined King James Bible, however, EVERY TIME an archaic, obsolete, difficult, or uncommon term occurs on a page, it is placed in BOLD type and is followed by a footnote. This footnote leads the reader to the bottom of the same page where the word occurred. In Titus 1:5, for example, "filthy lucre" occurs in verse 7 and in verse 11. In each of these verses "filthy lucre" appears in dark bold type and is followed by a superscripted (footnoted) number 5. Whether you are reading just verse 5 or just verse 11 or both, you can look down at footnote 5's definition for "filthy lucre": "illicit, dishonorable, or unlawful gain or advantage." Nothing could be simpler.What else do I get when I purchase the Defined King James Bible? The Defined King James Bible's text comes in an easy-to read, large 12-point black typeface. The spacing between the lines is larger than usual also. The larger print and wider line spacing combine to make the Defined King James Bible easier to read for older or tired eyes.The Defined King James Bible uses high-quality India paper. Its rounded, gilt-edged leaves are firmly anchored with a Smythe-sewn, re-enforced binding. This 7 1/2' by 10" Defined King James Bible has wider than usual 3/4" margins and is covered with the finest gold-stamped genuine leather available. It comes in a magnificent Burgundy and white and silver presentation box.The Defined King James Bible contains a yearly Bible reading schedule, a synopsis of each Bible book, a historical look at the King James Bible with a spirited defense of its excellence, and some helpful maps.