The Better World Handbook: From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions

By (author): "Brett Johnson, Ross Haenfler, Ellis Jones"
The Better World Handbook: From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions
AsinThe Better World Handbook: From Good Intentions to Everyday Actions
Original titleThe Better World Handbook: Small Changes That Make A Big Difference
It would be a perfect world if everyone could quit their jobs and devote themselves fully to the causes they believed in. Instead, "The Better World Handbook" shows caring, but busy people how to live out their progressive values "and" have a life! The principle behind this engaging guide is to incorporate everyday activism into even the most mundane areas of our lives-like grocery shopping, banking, eating, reading the newspaper, and working.The book begins with a concise summary of our society's most pressing problems that lead directly to seven foundations necessary for building a better world: economic fairness, comprehensive peace, ecological sustainability, deep democracy, social justice, a culture of simplicity, and revitalized community. Subsequent chapters are organized around intuitive topics such as Food, Money, Transportation, Work, and Media, focusing on activities that support the seven foundations for a better world. A purchase can allow a locally owned business to thrive; money invested in the right bank can create opportunities for poor communities; a vacation can contribute to preserving wilderness areas; tuning-in to public and alternative media can put readers back in control of their thoughts, feelings and values that mainstream media marginalize.Practical and extremely well researched by four university instructors who have synthesized knowledge from a wide variety of sources, "The Better World Handbook" provides readers with the essential information they need to take effective actions that will make a difference across the entire spectrum of the world's problems.MarketingNational print advertisingNational print, radio, and web publicityAuthor events in Boulder and DenverCo-op availableAll four authors live in Boulder, Colorado where they are instructors at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Each author is deeply committed to activism.