
By (author): "Jennifer Roberson"
SeriesTiger and Del #3, Schwerttänzer-Zyklus #3
SWORD-SWORNto track down the hounds of hoolies, yet inescapably haunted by his memories of Del, Tiger, now master of Northern and Southron sword skills, is relentlessly following the trail which will lead him to Ysaa-den. Yet before him wait perils far deadlier than any hounds. For in Ysaa-den he is hailed as a champion come to stop the force which has been wreaking destruction upon the villagers, a force which many claim is a dragon of unimaginable strength.As the trail of hounds and "dragon" now seem intertwined, tiger has no choice but to climb the mountain to the place known as Dragon's Lair. And it is here that he comes face to face with a challenge which may prove beyond even the mastery of Southron and Northern sword magic--the challenge of Chosa Dei, a wizard out of legend with the power to unmake all that opposes him....