?r? ??opani?ad: The Knowledge That Brings One Nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, K???a

By (author): "A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhup?da"
Publish Date: 1969
?r? ??opani?ad: The Knowledge That Brings One Nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, K???a
Asin?r? ??opani?ad: The Knowledge That Brings One Nearer to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, K???a
Original titleSri Isopanisad
The Sanskrit words Sri Isopanisad mean "the knowledge that brings one nearerto the Supreme Person." As such, Sri Isopanisad directly counters theteachings of modern science, which say that at the root of existence liesnot a person but merely abstract laws governing the chance collision ofsubatomic particles in the vast void of time and space.Individually, we rebel at the proposal that we can be analyzed into lifelesslaws and particles. We feel that personality is the solid foundation andunifying principle of our existence. That intuition is correct, says theVedic philosophy of ancient India, which loudly proclaims the primacy ofpersonality in every sphere of life and knowledge. And the essential Vedicteachings on the universal nature of personality are summarized in SriIsopanisad, the foremost of the 108 Upanisads. As translated and explained by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,recognized by scholars and spiritual leaders worldwide as the mostdistinguished modern-day teacher of India's spiritual culture andphilosophy, the nineteen jewellike mantras of Sri Isopanisad can release usfrom the bleak conceptions of impersonalism and put us in touch with theSupreme Person, Krishna, the fountainhead of all energies and all happiness.