
By (author): "Santiago Roncagliolo"
Publish Date: 2004
Original titlePudor
A man who is going to die, a woman who is the recipient of anonymous porn letters, a child who sees corpses, a sex-driven cat, are the main characters of this novel who, as is the case with most families, live together yet are completely alone. This is a novel about our most private thoughts, about the wishes and fears we don't dare confess even to those closest to us. A novel about the secrets we keep to protect us from being hurt, and one that deals with the common thread between families and feelings, and the incapacity to find a middle ground. Description in Spanish: Ésta es una novela sobre la intimidad, sobre los deseos y los miedos que no confesamos ni siquiera a quienes más queremos, sobre los secretos con que nos protegemos para que los demás no nos hagan daño. Sus personajes son un hombre que va a morir, una mujer que recibe anónimos pornográficos, un niño que ve cadáveres, un gato que quiere sexo, esa clase de gente. Como muchas familias, todos esos personajes viven juntos y todos están solos.