
By (author): "Larry Niven, Katherine Kurtz, Clemence Housman, Poul Anderson, Andre Norton, Fred Saberhagen, Fritz Leiber, Robert E. Howard, Hank Reinhardt, Karl Edward Wagner, Lin Carter, Ardath Mayhar, George Alec Effinger, Charles G. Waugh, Martin H. Greenberg, Robert Adams"
Original titleBarbarians
Contains the stories:"Introduction", essay by Robert Adams"Scylla's Daughter", novella by Fritz Leiber [Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser]"Stone Man", novelette by Fred Saberhagen [Berserker]"Sand Sister", novella by Andre Norton [Witch World]"Swordsman of Lost Terra", novelette by Poul Anderson"The Were-Wolf", novelette by Clemence Housman"Swords Against the Marluk", novelette by Katherine Kurtz [Deryni]"Not Long Before the End", by Larry Niven [Magic Goes Away]"Maureen Birnbaum, Barbarian Swordsperson", by George Alec Effinger [Maureen Birnbaum]"Thurigon Agonistes", by Ardath Mayhar"Vault of Silence", novelette by Lin Carter [Kellory the Warlock]"The Other One", by Karl Edward Wagner [Kane]"The Age of the Warrior", by Hank Reinhardt"Beyond the Black River", novella by Robert E. Howard [Conan]