
By (author): "Thomas Chappell Lewis, Gaius Valerius Flaccus"
Poetry. Translated from the Latin by Michael Barich. Apollonius Rhodius' epic poem Argonautica, written in Greek during the third century BC, has become the de facto standard version of the story of Jason and the Argonauts and their quest for the Golden Fleece. Gaius Valerius Flaccus' Latin epic of the late first century AD is by contrast little known, even to those otherwise well-read in ancient literature. This translation offers an accurate and appealing presentation in English verse. Flaccus' ARGONAUTICA lends keen Roman touches to the tale, developing further the sense of adventure and the erotic passion found in the Greek. It offers vicarious travel to exotic lands, gripping heroism in the face of wondrous monsters and an all-star cast of famous Greek heroes. The stirring sea voyage is interwoven with blossoming love between Jason and Medea, their young passion not yet gone sour. Michael Barich's deft translation and lyrical grace notes will delight devotees and newcomers to this timeless classic. Barich is a professor and scholar at Ohio's Kenyon College, teaching there since 1985. His Kenyon courses include Greek and Latin at all levels, literature in translation and ancient history--in recent years, advanced Greek and Latin classes devoted to Plato, Aristophanes and Petronius. His scholarly work centers on epic poetry and the literature of the early Roman Empire. He earned his B.A. at Haverford College and his Ph.D. at Yale.